In this context we provide support services to public and private entities in the implementation of international development cooperation interventions, particularly in the countries that make up Latin America and the Caribbean.
It aims to provide advice on managing the cooperation project cycle (EML), i.e. in areas related to promoting democratic governance: government and public administration, justice and human rights, municipalities and decentralisation, strengthening civil society and citizen participation. We also carry out missions related to the identification and formulation of programmes and projects in the field; monitoring of interventions in accordance with results-oriented management and evaluation in all project phases (ex ante, mid-term and ex post). We also carry out the technical and economic control of the justifications or donations granted for the implementation of cooperation actions.
We also provide training courses in cooperation methodology and development theory for public and private entities working in the field of cooperation with donor countries and Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients.
We also provide services for companies to incorporate corporate social responsibility (CSR) into their management strategies as a means of conducting business, which is characterized by considering the impact of social and economic concerns of their stakeholders, and that based on dialogue with them, the company develops a real and objective commitment to social cohesion, respect for the environment, ethics and transparency, with the ultimate goal of generating added value for all the organization’s stakeholders and improving its contribution to sustainable development and society as a whole.